

Values and behaviors of human beings in the twenty-first century

Example research theme: Efforts toward research on dietary education, food, and family
Dietary life is a foundation of one’s lifestyle. The Research Institute for High-Life has developed a project to research current strategies for using dietary life to strengthen ties between family members and community members and allow people, from children to senior citizens, to enjoy more affluent and fulfilling social lives.

Example findings of our research and investigations
1. Lifestyle as seen through Japan’s dietary culture
2. Research on reconsidering the desire for self-fulfillment: Prospects after Maslow
3. Investigation for establishing a basic plan for promoting volunteer activities for international contributions
4. Survey on attitudes toward food
5. Changes in dietary lifestyle as seen through brands
6. The trend toward social services for housework
7. Roundtable talk: “New humans, new societies: Responding to the ‘Pleasure value’”
8. Lifestyles and stresses of the modern family
9. Whereabouts of the Japanese family
10. Research on the recovery of dinner-table communication
11. Research on the lifestyles of the rich
12. Educational dietary support at stores: Dietary health and Educational dietary marketing